Halal/Kosher verified products — still not widely accessible?

2 min readMay 6, 2021


Both Muslims and Jews (which make up 1.8+ Billion people) have their own separate ways and methods of sacrificing/slaughtering their animals before consuming them. These ways/methods are sacred and are a vital part of their faiths.

Label — Certified Kosher

Concerns among consumers over the provenance of meat prepared in compliance with religious standards have grown. Instances of incorrect labeling and selling of Halal/Kosher meat-based items, in particular, have raised concerns about their authenticity. Despite this, and despite the growing demand for Speciality foods around the world, little study has been done on the basic problems that occur during the manufacturing process.

Label — Certified Halal

As a consequence, diets of Muslims and Jews are composed mostly of meat-based products associated with rice, cereals, wheat-based products have gone under alterations, moving towards a more vegan lifestyle which in long term affects their health and nutrient values.

With the increase in the number of local certified stores, the main problem — availability is diminishing and the food products are becoming widely available for Muslim and Jewish communities. That may be true, but the problem of accessibility and guaranteed authenticity still remains.

Most Muslims/Jews live far away from such communities making yet again meat a complete luxury for them. Similarly, whilst purchasing a certified product, most Muslims/Jews have second thoughts about the product being genuine or not especially with the increasing cases of contamination and zero quality assurance. Fake marketing can also come into play in such cases spreading fear amongst the communities. Such actions can either promote a fake business or can even bankrupt an honest business.

It is estimated that due to the rapid growth of ethnically diverse populations globally, the demand for specialty foods is only going to grow in the coming years.

But the future of this $1.8 Trillion specialty market looks dark if these issues pertain, No?

You guessed it right; That’s where GoMeat comes in!




Written by GoMeatToken

Empowering The Specialty Meat Industry! The first specialty meat & grocery ordering service.

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